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If you’ve come to this website, it’s likely that you’ve experienced the loss of your child or been affected by the death of a child. What a deeply tragic event. It’s because of this event in my own life, I wrote this book… and I wrote it for you.

How to Survive the Worst that Can Happen, is a guide and workbook for recovering a quality of life after loss. The book offers an intimate insight, based on my own experience and drawing from my work with therapists, grief recovery groups, along with a tremendous amount of research. I am also a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist®  with the Grief Recovery Institute® in Los Angeles.

There are many books published on grief and the loss of a child, and their endurance transcends typical book sales. They have a long shelf life, because of their need. When the worst that can happen, happens to you, you’re driven to comb libraries, bookstores, and the internet for anything that will make you feel connected to someone who has survived such a tragedy.

While numerous grief books validated my feelings, I longed for guidance on practical steps and tools that could help me survive. Over the course of my own heartbreaking and ultimately victorious story, I developed practical tools and life patterns to healing.

I began working with other parents to offer them hope and help get them through such tragic times. Here’s what I learned: no one is immune to loss. At some time in our lives, we all lose someone we love. But… the loss of a child? It’s imaginable for parents and truly feels like the worst that can happen.

People like to say, “Time heals all wounds.” That saying may not feel true for a parent who’s lost a child. I would like to offer, however, it’s what you do with that time that can escalate healing and acceptance, and regaining a quality of life where you’ll feel joy again. Hard to imagine? Of course it’s hard to imagine when you’re in the throes of bereavement. I wrote this book in a workbook/interactive style format to shift the odyssey of grief from passive submission into active recovery. This is the part that really excites me because I know it works.

Healing doesn’t mean you’ll never feel the pain. Healing doesn’t mean you won’t ever long for your child. Healing means you’ll find acceptance as a choice, and your light will shine again.

Your healing begins today…not tomorrow, not a week from now. How to Survive the Worst that Can Happen, A Parent’s Step by Step Guide to Healing after the Loss of a Child is the first step we’ll take together.